NOTE: For any wired request, and / or kiosks larger than 100ft/ca (10 ft per 10 ft), please provide a plan with a reference to the specific location of the wire. It is the client’s responsibility to indicate to ExpoCité where to install the telecommunication equipment. If not, ExpoCité will see to install the equipment where its seems the best. Any further changes in these installations will be billed to the exhibitor at a rate of $ 75 per change.
- No telecommunication connexions can be sold by the client unless approved by ExpoCité.
- Services ordered and installed but not used will not be refunded.
- ExpoCité supply technical support for its own installations. Make sure your equipment is functional and has the right hardware, software and configuration before arriving at ExpoCité. To contact technical support dial (418) 691-7250.
- To have access to the wireless network the client must provide a WI-FI network card of type 802.11 B or G. The addressing will be made by DHCP mode.
- ExpoCité cannot be held responsible for any intrusion, damages or prejudice in the client’s computer system that might arise from its use.
- Material and equipment provided by ExpoCité shall remain the property of ExpoCité. The exhibitor is responsible for the safekeeping of the equipment and materials during the show and is liable for and shall indemnify ExpoCité for any loss or damage. ExpoCité reserves the right to invoice the exhibitor for the equivalent of the replacement value of the equipment not returned.
- ExpoCité will not be held responsible for any damage or deterioration to goods or equipment within the rental space or to the stand itself following installation of telecommunication services.
- The exhibitor’s computers must all be equipped with up-to-date virus protection software.
- Due to the dynamic nature of the Internet, ExpoCité cannot guarantee the speed of data transfer, interruption or services or any power shortages. However, ExpoCité will guarantee to do its best to maintain an acceptable level of performance.
- ExpoCité reserves the right to suspend or limit services to any exhibitor whose equipment contains a virus or is found to cause disruptions to the overall quality of ExpoCité’s services or that could possibly damage its installations.
- Given the functioning of the diverse emails systems, it is impossible to guaranty the service throughout ExpoCité’s network for clients of messaging systems such has «Outlook» or «Thunderbird». You must assure to know your passwords to have access to your email boxes by the web because those are accessible when you have an Internet connection.
- Please note that the ZAP product is not supported by ExpoCité and carries no warranty.
- For any question regarding your order, call at (418) 691-7250, our technicians will be pleased to help you.
- Please note that a wireless internet connection (wifi) is included in your rental contract.